Thursday, 21 June 2007

10 Common Nutrients in Vegetables

Nutrients in vegetables1. Beta-carotene: especially useful to the body as it is turned into vitamin A. Found in yellow, red, orange and dark green vegetables and fruit such as pumpkin, carrots, yellow beans, beetroot, blue berries, raspberries, spinach, kale, broccoli

Calcium: essential for developing and maintain strong bones. Found in green vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, kale and plain yoghurt. Do not rely on dairy foods as your only source of calcium – after all, where do cows get calcium?

Chlorophyll: for energy and the very basis of healthy. Found in all the green vegetables and their leaves, such as spinach, beetroot, kale, cauliflower, cabbage, salad leaves, etc

Flavonoids: these are antioxidants which help prevent degenerative diseases such as heart disease and cancer – eat your veggies!

Folic acid: essential for healthy blood. Found in beetroot, citrus fruit, green leafy vegetables and salad leaves

Iron: very important for well functioning red blood cells. Found in dark green leafy vegetables and beetroot

Magnesium: essential for growth and repair of the body. Found in peas, nuts and sesame seeds

8. Phosphorus: grow healthy teeth and bones. Found in cabbage, potatoes, oranges, cherries and currants

9. Potassium: important for cell function. Found in many vegetables and fruit, particularly bananas

10. Protein: an essential nutrient for all muscle building and maintaining, energy and growth. Found in beans, peas, lentils, nuts and seeds

Image source=Wiki Commons
