Thursday, 7 June 2007

Hope for allergy sufferers?

Allergy vaccine, injectedAllergy vaccine hopes get boost, so says Richard Black, BBC science correspondence

Medical researchers have obtained promising results from a trial of a genetically-engineered allergy vaccine.

During the trial, conducted in Austria, Sweden and France, the vaccine significantly reduced peoples' allergic response to pollen.

The team says it is already developing further GM vaccines to combat other allergies”

Some estimates reveal that a quarter of the world’s population could be allergic to something; so many unhappy sniffling, sneezing and coughing people around the world will welcome this news

However, further into the article, Black writes “But although these can work well, they can also produce major side-effects.

As with many other pharmaceutical drugs, somehow the cause of the allergies has been quietly by-passed, and all this new genetically modified drug can ever do is mask the symptoms so that we feel better - whilst our body gets sicker with side effects, more likely on top of other drugs for other conditions which carry more side-effects. And so the debilitation goes on, with no real hope of ever being fully well again

Why not get to the cause instead?

Allergies are frequently caused by food sensitivities, and while we are not aware of their causing the problem, allergens such as pollen and house mites will tip the scales and produce the attacks that leave us utterly miserable:

  • Whilst asthma has long been classed as an allergy, it is in fact rooted in a food sensitivity, most often dairy or wheat or sugar
  • Dry eyes, not always connected to allergies, are a symptom of an Omega-3 deficiency
  • Sinus problems can be a thing of the past if you give up dairy products

Ten suggestions to rid you of allergies forever:

  1. Speak to a nutritionally trained health practitioner
  2. Food sensitivity tests are readily available to find your specific sensitivity
  3. Or you can eliminate trigger foods from your diet for one month at a time – i.e. no dairy foods for one month, then no wheat, no sugar, etc
  4. Once you have found your sensitivity, stay off that food (or foods) for a minimum of six months, and then SLOWLY re-introduce the offending food.
  5. If you reintroduce too quickly your sensitivity could come back with a vengeance!
  6. Supplement with pharmaceutical grade Omega-3 Fish Oil (deficiencies of this essential fat can exacerbate food sensitivities)
  7. Increase fresh fruit and vegetables, with lots of raw and juiced foods
  8. Eliminate bad fats such as margarine, sunflower and cheap olive oils
  9. Eliminate processed foods from your diet
  10. Get good exercise at least three times a week

Image source=bbc
