Saturday, 21 April 2007

Top 20 recommendations for a healthy nutrition plan

Other breads have more fibre and carbs

Here are my top 20 recommendations for a healthy nutrition plan:

  1. Cut out the following: Sugar; White flour (it's stripped of nutrients), Animal and vegetable fats and ALL margarines

  2. Avoid excess soy and consider having none at all

  3. Keep consumption of dairy products LOW

  4. Don’t rely on ONE source of fibre, (i.e. wheat bran) include beans, pulses, fruits, vegetables, brown rice, oats, rye, barley, corn

  5. Wheat bran is not a good choice - it inhibits mineral absorption

  6. Keep alcohol consumption down

  7. Limit salt – try not to add any to your food and never cook with it

  8. Don't eat excessive amounts of animal protein

  9. Protein is also found in nuts, seeds, peas, beans, lentils, sprouts and whole grains. All are rich in vitamins, minerals and protein

  10. Avoiding carrying too much weight – it will reduce your life expectancy, and brings many diseases with it

  11. Don't smoke or take recreational drugs

  12. Ensure a HIGH intake of vegetables, especially green, leafy ones and preferably raw or steamed

  13. Plenty of good quality fibre – many people need supplemental help here

  14. Eat organic and free range where possible

  15. Take regular MENTAL exercise - hobbies, reading etc

  16. Prayer enhances immunity

  17. Enjoyment of life also enhances immunity

  18. If you are a vegetarian (but be aware of the long term dangers here) ensure sufficient protein and include the following: Rice with legumes or sesame seeds, Wheat with legumes/sesame seeds, Corn with legumes, Sesame seeds with either beans or wheatQuinoa is a good source of protein

  19. Regular exercise - even if it is just a 15 minute walk

  20. Have a goal in life - raises your immunity!

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