Ala and prostate cancer
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A recent review article points out that prostate cancer is increasing, and is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in the Western world. The etiology of prostate cancer remains unclear, course and progression are unpredictable, and definite treatment is not yet established. Lifestyle and diet Prostate Forum Nutrition Guide could contribute to the progression from small, latent, non-metastatic tumors to clinically significant, invasive, metastatic lesions. What Is Metastatic Cancer?
Of six studies done, one showed no correlation. One found a small (not statistically significant) positive correlation. Four studies found a strong positive correlation between ALA (Alpha-Linolenic Acid) and prostate cancer. At least two other studies have also shown a correlation of alpha-linolenic acid with increased prostate cancer.According to Prostate Forum, several labs have found that ALA is one of the most powerful growth stimulants for human prostate cancer cells. The Prostate Forum has recommended against the use of flax oil by men with prostate cancer. Since flax oil is the richest readily available food source of ALA, the reasoning goes, this oil should cause the most prostate cancer.